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Giving First

Giving First Tuesday: November 23

Your local nonprofits put the community first all year, put them first this giving season.

As the season's festivities get underway, we are thinking about our local nonprofits and all they give to our community year round. This year, MVP is joining an MKE movement to flip the script on Giving Tuesday by encouraging you to give the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday. 

Traditionally, one of the most popular days of charitable giving, Giving Tuesday, falls after Black Friday and Cyber-Monday. Before the hustle and bustle of the traditional shopping weekend, Giving First Day gives us each an opportunity to reflect on the needs of our community and invest in our values.

Your donation helps MVP provide free mentorship and career exploration programs for Milwaukee youth, plan for the Menomonee Riverwalk and redevelopment of 60+ acres of land, and build connections between the Valley and adjacent neighborhoods for a more united Milwaukee.  We hope you partner with us on November 23!

You can support MVP at or see the full list of nonprofits partnering on Giving First at

Over 40 local Nonprofit Organizations Coordinating an Effort to Flip the Script on Giving

MILWAUKEE – As holiday shopping season nears, a coalition of over 40 Milwaukee-area nonprofits are leading a coordinated effort to emphasize the importance of supporting our communities through a campaign called Giving First on Tuesday, November 23.

The Giving First date flips the script by coming one week before Giving Tuesday, which traditionally falls after Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber-Monday shopping and has been a day of giving for many nonprofits. Local nonprofits put the community first all year long and hope the community will put them first this giving season.

Giving First was successfully piloted by the Urban Ecology Center (UEC) in 2020. When other organizations asked if they could borrow the idea, a coordinated effort was born.

"When the UEC approached us about joining the Giving First campaign, we were thrilled-- this is what PEARLS is all about.” said Gerry Howze, Executive Director, PEARLS for Teen Girls. “We believe in the power of commUNITY. Now, it's more important than ever to support each other and give back-- cross collaboration like this will help elevate Milwaukee as a whole."

This year, Giving First has over 40 community-serving organizations conducting their fundraising campaigns on November 23rd instead of the traditional Giving Tuesday.

"Giving First is such a smart paradigm shift,” said Kelly Andrew, Chief Development & Marketing Officer at ACTS Housing. “We already know that Milwaukeeans are deeply generous and love their nonprofits.

This is a chance for them to send their favorite non-profits into the busiest season with a boost, and go into their holiday season feeling great themselves."

The list of organizations participating in Giving First 2021 and quotes from several partner organizations are below. For up to date information on the collaborating organizations including direct links to donate visit

40+ Milwaukee-area organizations participating in Giving First 2021:

- Acts Housing

- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee


- COA Youth and Family Centers

- Community Smiles Dental

- CORE El Centro

- Danceworks, Inc.

- Discovery World

- First Stage

- Friends of Hank Aaron State Trail

- Hillel Milwaukee

- Islands of Brilliance

- Jewish Museum Milwaukee

- Journey House

- Menomonee Valley Partners

- Meta House

- Milwaukee County Historical Society

- Milwaukee Parks Foundation

- Milwaukee Riverkeeper

- Milwaukee Water Commons

- Nathan and Esther Pelz Holocaust Education Resource Center (HERC)

- Near West Side Partners

- Ozaukee Washington Land Trust

- Pathfinders

- PEARLS for Teen Girls

- Radio Milwaukee

- Riverwest Food Pantry

- Running Rebels

- Safe and Sound, Inc

- Sojourner

- Southside Organizing Committee/Center

- Teens Grow Greens

- United Community Center

- United Methodist Children’s Services of WI, Inc.

- Unity in Motion

- Urban Ecology Center


- Victory Garden Initiative

- Washington County Humane Society

- WAVE Educational Fund

- Women’s Fund of Greater Milwaukee

- Zeidler Group

More information and direct links to give to your preferred non-profit can be found at

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