Public Safety in the Valley

The Business Improvement District (BID) #26 is in the process of creating an Emergency Communications Plan for the Valley. All businesses are asked to designate emergency contacts who can quickly disseminate external emergency communications to your team members.

reporting emergencies

Call 911 for all life-threatening emergencies or suspected crimes in progress and then contact the BID/MVP for any emergency in/near your facility that could impact or alarm other Valley businesses and their employees. We need to be alerted in emergency situations to relay information to keep everyone informed and safe.

  • Primary Contact: Catrina Crane, 414-326-5077

  • Secondary Contact: Corey Zetts, 414-467-0854

Reporting non-emergency criminal activity

You are encouraged to report every public safety incident to help the Milwaukee Police Department and Business Improvement District (BID) track incidents, coordinate, and identify/prevent crime clusters. The Police Department uses this information to increase patrols and allows the BID to alert neighbors.

There are a couple ways to report non-emergency incidents:

  1. Complete the Valley Safety Alert Form and/or contact Catrina Crane at or 414-326-5077. This is a simple way to allow the BID to inform neighbors and report information and trends to appropriate agencies without the incident being directly linked to your property. By informing each other, we can keep our district safe and a great place to work. These reports are also transferred to the police.

  2. Contact the Milwaukee Police Department Non-Emergency line at 414-933-4444 to report a crime or when officers are needed but the situation is not life-threatening. Dial 9 to speak directly to someone and have the call recorded.

Valley Emergency Communications subDistricts

The Valley has been segmented into five districts for emergency communications procedures. Should the Business Improvement District become aware of an incident in your district that could impact your business/employees, your business’s designated contacts will be notified as soon as possible.

Emergency & non-emergency contacts

For your convenience, we have provided contact numbers for specific issues that businesses may face in the Valley. Do not hesitate to contact Catrina at or 414-326-5077 with any questions or guidance on a specific concern. She has led public safety in the Valley for more than a decade and her knowledge extends far beyond this list.

  • Milwaukee Police Department

    • Emergency: 911

      Call for a chemical spill, fire, or health emergency. When in doubt, call 911.

    • Non-Emergency Police: 414-933-4444, option 9

      Use when an officer is needed at the scene, but the situation is not life-threatening. Ex: Break-ins, reckless driving, etc. You can also report reckless driving online to the MPD Traffic Safety Unit.

    • Police Districts 1, 2, and 3 cover different areas in the Valley.

      • District 1 - 414-935-7212: Reed Street Yards (Rite-Hite & Zurn)

      • District 2 - 414-935-7222: Bruce, Pierce, and Virginia streets (District 2 Contact Guide)

      • District 3 - 414-935-7232: Canal St, Emmber Ln, Mt. Vernon Ave, St. Paul Ave, & the Menomonee Valley Industrial Center (District 3 Contact Guide)

      • Marquette Police Department will sometimes respond to concerns on W St. Paul Ave and Canal St if District 3 is unavailable.

Map of police districts in the Valley

Click on the map to be redirected to MPD’s map where you can enter your address and view contact information for individual districts.

  • City of Milwaukee: 414-286-CITY (2489)

    This is the single access telephone number for all City services and information. Use this number to report dumping, street light outages, parking issues, abandoned vehicles, potholes, etc.

  • Coast Guard: 414-747-7170. Contact for search and rescue and maritime law enforcement.

  • DNR Hotline: Confidentially report suspected wildlife, recreational, and environmental violations 24/7 at 1-800-847-9367 or online. DNR Wardens have jurisdiction over the Hank Aaron State Trail and some in Three Bridges Park. Previous reports include arson, suspicious activity, and use of all-terrain vehicles.

  • Homeless Outreach: Report homelessness concerns to Catrina at or 414-326-5077.

  • CP Rail Police: 1-800-716-9132. All emergencies on rail lines, including situations that may affect public safety or the safe movement of trains.

  • Graffiti: Report graffiti to the Business Improvement District (BID)

  • City of Milwaukee Aldermanic Districts

    Milwaukee’s Common Council is comprised of 15 alders, three of which represent different areas of the Valley. View the map below or enter your address here to identify your elected officials.

Aldermanic districts covering the Menomonee River Valley

Click on the map to enter your address and identify all of your elected government officials.


Designate your business’s emergency contacts

Designate a primary and secondary emergency contact for your business. In the event of an emergency near your facility that could impact your team members, these individuals are responsible for sharing pertinent information with your team. It is important to keep these contacts updated.


ingresses and egresses

In the event of a road closure in the central Valley due to an emergency, this map is meant to aid businesses in communicating alternative routes to your team members.

Map of ingresses and egresses to the Menomonee River Valley

Click on the map to download a larger image.



The Graffiti Removal Program aids in maintaining the Valley’s image and is important for maintaining a positive public perception of the Valley. It is important to report graffiti immediately to deter future vandalism. The Business Improvement District reserves the right to limit a property owner’s graffiti removal reimbursement if the property owner does not enhance their property which is the best graffiti deterrent. Report graffiti to Catrina at 414-326-5077 or


join the public safety circle

The Public Safety Circle meets quarterly to ensure the Valley continues to be a safe district for Valley businesses, employees, and the community. This group aids in building relationships with local police and first responders, takes a proactive stance on short- and long-term safety in the Valley, and shares safety resources with each other for business use. Contact Catrina with questions or to join the Public Safety Circle: or 414-326-5077.