The Valley 2.0 Plan, the City of Milwaukee’s market study and land use plan adopted in 2015, sets a strategic framework to continue positioning the Valley as an innovative, sustainable, and successful urban industrial center. The plan builds on the Valley’s resources and momentum to chart a course for elevating the Menomonee River Valley into one of the most innovative, successful, and recognized urban industrial centers in the United States.

The City of Milwaukee's Comprehensive Plan is made up of 13 area plans and one Citywide Policy Plan. The Menomonee Valley is one of the 13 area plans which guide future neighborhood development with land use and design recommendations. 

The 6th Street Viaduct was built in 1908 and was the primary connector between Milwaukee's downtown and south side.

The 6th Street Viaduct was built in 1908 and was the primary connector between Milwaukee's downtown and south side.

Two bridges replaced the viaduct in 2002 and were the first cable-stayed bridges for vehicular traffic built in Wisconsin. The bridges span the Menomonee River, the South Menomonee River Canal, and two major rail lines.

Two bridges replaced the viaduct in 2002 and were the first cable-stayed bridges for vehicular traffic built in Wisconsin. The bridges span the Menomonee River, the South Menomonee River Canal, and two major rail lines.

The Menomonee Valley area plan (Menomonee Valley 2.0) is an update to the original 1998 "Market Study, Engineering, and Land Use Plan for the Menomonee Valley." Most of the goals and objectives recommended in the visionary 1998 plan were successfully met and exceeded. This includes the creation of the nonprofit, Menomonee Valley Partners, replacing the 6th St viaduct with bridges to the Valley, extending Canal St through the Valley, and the redevelopment of the former Milwaukee Road Shops sites into the Menomonee Valley Industrial Center.

After 18 months of thoughtful planning, interviews with Valley stakeholders, many public meetings, input from hundreds of people, the Menomonee Valley 2.0 Plan was adopted by the Common Council on June 2, 2015. The City of Milwaukee Department of City Development is working in conjunction with Menomonee Valley Partners and other Valley organizations and businesses to make the new plan successful.

The goal of the Valley 2.0 Plan is continued sustainable development, one that supports industry, entertainment, community, and natural resources.

Menomonee Valley 2.0 Plan cover

Click the image to view the full plan.

Plan priorities include:

The Valley 2.0 Plan is a joint venture of the City of Milwaukee and Menomonee Valley Partners.

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