The Menomonee River Valley has become a national model of economic and environmental stability. Learn more through reports and guiding documents below.

2003 Annual Reprot.JPG

annual report archive - 2002-PRESENT

Take a look back at the Valley's progress in the annual report archive.


MEnomonee Valley Partners Strategic Direction

Adopted on: September 20, 2023

Content: The Strategic Direction is a roadmap that outlines strategies to navigate the MVP’s current inflection point and ensures ongoing excellence and impact as a guide for MVP’s leadership. By scaling work appropriately, MVP can achieve longevity and future impact, maintaining its significance within the community. This roadmap guides MVP to adapt, grow, and continue to fulfill its role as a catalyst for positive change in the Menomonee Valley and surround neighborhoods.

By implementing the strategies outlined, MVP can preserve its legacy while propelling itself to new heights of influence and effectiveness. As a learning organization, MVP will refine and adjust its model based on the implementation of this strategic direction and continue to deliver exceptional impact in a sustainable manner.

Industry and inclusion manufacturing workforce strategies report cover

industry & inclusion: manufacturing workforce strategies building an inclusive future

Published in: 2021

Published by:  Urban Manufacturing Alliance & The Century Foundation

Content: In 2020, The Century Foundation (TCF) and the Urban Manufacturing Alliance (UMA) convened a national cohort of eight organizations to share best practices and strategies to expand workforce models that connect diverse communities to careers in manufacturing while also identifying policies to scale these efforts.

The eight cohort members (including Menomonee Valley Partners) determined that with the right models in place, un- and under-employed adults of all ages are able obtain the necessary skills to gain employment into a rewarding career in manufacturing, with further opportunities for skills advancement and wage progression.

MVP’s profile begins on p.70


Improving Job Access in the Menomonee Valley: Strategies to Connect and Strengthen Businesses and Neighborhoods

Published in: August 2018

Published by: MetroGO!

Content: This report provides essential information, data, and analysis, and identifies recommendations for collaborative transportation and workforce strategies to strengthen the Menomonee Valley and its businesses in a deeply competitive labor environment. This project expands on Last Mile study research to:

  1. Determine employer job and transportation needs in the Menomonee Valley

  2. Analyze and summarize data

  3. Investigate job access challenges and insights from nearby neighborhoods

  4. Convene experts and develop locally supported strategies and recommendations

  5. Distribute findings

Menomonee River Valley 2.0 market study

Published in: 2014

Published by:  City of Milwaukee Department of City Development

Content: In support of the City of Milwaukee’s Menomonee Valley Comprehensive Area Plan Update 2014, Valley 2.0, this a study of the industrial, labor and real estate markets in southeast Wisconsin and the Menomonee River Valley planning area in the City of Milwaukee.

This report documents findings and outlines policy and planning implications of those findings. The Market Study is divided into three parts:

  1. Findings from the stakeholder involvement process;

  2. Findings from an analysis of the state of the manufacturing market and labor market in southeastern Wisconsin;

  3. Findings from an analysis of land use in the Menomonee River Valley.

This market study is informed the Valley 2.0 planning process and provided a baseline understanding of economic conditions in the Valley.

Native plantings in front of the Ingeteam building

sustainable design guidelines

Published in: 2017

Published by:  Menomonee Valley Partners, City of Milwaukee Department of City Development

Content: In 2004, Menomonee Valley Partners and the City of Milwaukee established sustainable building design guidelines for new development projects in the Menomonee River Valley. Intended primarily for the then newly-created Menomonee Valley Industrial Center, the Sustainable Design Guidelines were put in place to ensure high-quality redevelopment, environmental sensitivity and energy efficient construction in the Valley. Today, the Menomonee Valley Industrial Center is at full capacity and, combined with the age of the original guidelines and the untapped potential of 40 acres of undeveloped riverfront land on the Valley’s east end, the need for updating them was clear. Approved by the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee (RACM) at its September 2017 meeting, the updated guidelines are applied Valley-wide and required for any new building development or major renovation project receiving financial or land sale assistance from the City of Milwaukee or RACM.

Aerial view of the menomonee valley riverwalk plan on the menomonee river

Menomonee Valley Riverwalk Site Plan Review Overlay Zone

Published in: 2017

Published by:  Menomonee Valley Partners, City of Milwaukee Department of City Development

Content: At its July 2017 meeting, the Common Council approved the Menomonee Valley Riverwalk Overlay which uses this zoning designation to "bookmark" the river’s edge along the Menomonee River for a future Valley Riverwalk as redevelopment occurs. This overlay marks the first expansion of the Milwaukee Riverwalk beyond its original course. As part of the Valley Riverwalk, Design Standards have been created to guide development along the future Riverwalk system.

Independent STudy: W. St. Paul Ave Conceptual Streetscaping Plan

Published in: 2023

Published by:  University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Department of Urban Planning

Content: The proposed Independent Study by Louie Glotfelty identifies feasible, short-term solutions for streetscaping and placemaking along the W. St. Paul Avenue Commercial Corridor in the Menomonee Valley. This report was informed by a robust series of stakeholder engagement and it suggests utilizing existing resources and city programs to enhance the pedestrian experience. The final concepts presented include: Enhanced Safety & Connectivity, Greenery & Aesthetics, and Street Activation, Public Art & Programming.

aerial view of st. paul avenue

A Senior Capstone Proposal: St. Paul Avenue Revitalization

Published in: December 2016

Published by: University of Wisconsin - Madison, Department of Landscape Architecture

Content: The proposed capstone by Mara Redding seeks to build on the foundation of the Menomonee Valley's thriving urban industrial district and explore how green infrastructure may contribute to revitalization of W St. Paul Ave, an industrial corridor of roughly 10 blocks. She seeks to encourage industry growth and sustainable development, increase green infrastructure, enhance connectivity between project site and surrounding neighborhoods, as well as to improve the pedestrian experience and access to public ammenities. She investigates how ideas of Ecological Urbanism may inform the design of the corridor.

East Gateway FAB landscape proposal image

A Senior Capstone Proposal: East Valley Gateway FAB District

Published in: May 2016

Published by: University of Wisconsin - Madison, Department of Landscape Architecture

Content: The proposed capstone by Chris Jansen seeks to build on the foundation of the Menomonee Valley’s thriving urban industrial district and explore how integrating the waterfront into a site posed for development can provide a social experience equitable to all. He investigates how ideas of Landscape Urbanism may inform the design of an urban food and beverage manufacturing district to help facilitate the economic vitality of the East Valley Gateway.

redevelopment in MKE's menomonee valley report cover

Redevelopment in Milwaukee’s Menomonee Valley: What Worked and Why?

Published in: September 2014

Published by: Public Policy Forum

Content: This is the most comprehensive study of the Valley’s revitalization to date. The report begins with a brief overview of the economic, environmental, and community improvements that have occurred in the Menomonee River Valley since the late 1990s. The work that brought about those outcomes is examined through five “success factors” deemed critical to the Valley’s revitalization.

2013 state of the valley report with aerial map view of the valley

2013 Menomonee Valley: State of the Valley Report

Published in: November 2013

Published by: Menomonee Valley Benchmarking Initiative

Content: This project assesses change in Milwaukee’s Menomonee River Valley and surrounding neighborhoods. Organized around the principles of Sustainable Development, the benchmarking initiative is an ongoing collaboration that systematically tracks and studies the Community, Environmental and Economic conditions of a place that is home to hundreds of Milwaukee businesses and more than 66,000 residents.

bridging valley communities community outreach report plan cover

Bridging Valley Communities: Community Outreach and Marketing Plan

Published in: May 2007

Published by: Urban Strategies

Content: This report explores ways in which the economic development in the Valley can be connected with activity taking place in residential communities.

uec feasability study report cover

Connecting the South Side Neighborhoods to the Menomonee River Valley: A feasibility study for a “hands-on environmental education” satellite center

Published in: Spring 2006

Published by: Marilyn Goris

Content: Interview data and an environmental scan are compiled to assess the feasibility of locating an Urban Ecology Center Branch in or near the Menomonee Valley. The Urban Ecology Center Menomonee Valley branch ultimately opened in 2012.

stormwater in black and white

Stormwater Management Report, CMC Shops Area

Published in: April 2005

Published by: Applied Ecological Solutions, Inc.

Content: Hydrologic study and proposal for stormwater management system on the site of the former Milwaukee Road factory.

valley stockyards in 2004

Development Objectives for the Menomonee Valley Stockyards

Published in: December 2004

Published by: MVP, Inc.

Content: Summarizes in detail both the economic and environmental sustainability objectives for the former Milwaukee Stockyards. This helped lead to the current Canal Street Commerce Center.

Railroad lines in the valley

Using the Menomonee Valley to Move from Land Development to Economic Development

Published in: July 2004

Published by: Brian Reilly, Maureen Klovers, Virgina Carlson.

Content: Summary of strategies to promote the strength of Milwaukee businesses so as to attract strong manufacturers, and implementation actions.

Heavy Industry in the Valley at the turn of century

Milwaukee’s Industrial Land Base: An Analysis of Demand and A Strategy for Future Development

Published in: May 2004

Published by: MEDC Milwaukee; S.B. Friedman & Company

Content: This report assesses demand for industrial land in the city of Milwaukee, and recommends strategies that will best take advantage of that demand.

cultural resource management plan report cover

A Cultural Resource Management Plan Specific to Menomonee River Valley Redevelopment Project Lands in the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin

Published in: March 2004

Funded by: Wisconsin Coastal Management Program

Published by: Great Lakes Archaeological Research Center, Inc.

Content: A full assessment and list of recommendations regarding the potential historical and cultural resources that exist in the Valley, and how they should be cared for.

state of the watershed report cover

Menomonee River Watershed: State of the Watershed

Published in: 2004

Published by: Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission.

Content: This report analyzes the health of the entire Menomonee River watershed using numerous criteria.

integrating the environment paper cover

Integrating the Environment, the economy, and community health: a community health center’s intiative to link health benefits to smart growth

Published in: 2004

Published by: American Journal of Public Health

Content: Peter McAvoy, Mary Beth Driscoll, and Ben Gramling of Sixteenth Street Community Health Center discuss how community engagement, as facilitated by a community health center, can have a positive effect on the quality of brownfield redevelopment.

canal street reconstruction

The Canal Street Corridor: A Framework for Redevelopment

Published in: 2004

Published by: Wenk Associates, Solomon E.T.C./WRT, HTNB Corporation

Content: This report analyzes the constraints/opportunities, alternative frameworks, and develops a final framework plan and summary report for the redevelopment of the Canal Street Corridor.

Hank aaron and three bridges park rendering

UOSF Survey, 2003

Published in: 2003

Published by: The Urban Open Space Foundation

Content: Uses interview data to explore ownership and management opportunities for public space in the Menomonee Valley.

environmental management considerations report cover

Environmental management considerations for site redevelopment in milwaukee’s menomonee river valley

Published in: November 2002

Published by: MVP, Inc. Environmental Committee

Content: This report employs data from the WDNR and USEPA to provide physical and chemical data for the Menomonee Valley and give a general indication of the range and distribution of contaminants. The data indicate that the environmental issues in the Menomonee Valley are manageable and the perception that there are widespread, high levels of contaminants has been allievated.

Aerial of Shops 1958

Menomonee Valley Cultural Resource Study

Published in: 2002

Published by: John Gurda

Content: A collection of sources, as well as a narrative essay, that summarize the history of the Menomonee Valley.

national design competition report cover

Menomonee River Valley National Design Competition

Published in: March 2002

Published by: Sixteenth Street Community Health Center

Content: This document presents the plans for the West End of the Menomonee Valley that were considered as finalists in the national design competition.

shipping boat in the Menomonee River

At the Center of it all: the high-road strategy for milwaukee’s menomonee valley

Published in: June 2000

Published by: Paid by MVP and written by Center on Wisconsin Strategy

Content: Provided recommendations on how to maximize quality job growth and economic development in the Menomonee Valley.

design charrette 1999 report cover

A vision for smart growth: Sustainable development design charrette, Milwaukee’s Menomonee River valley

Published in: 1999-2000

Published by: Sixteenth Street Community Health Center

Content: Design experts collaborated to develop concepts of how the Menomonee Valley could be sustainably developed in both 3-10 and 10-25 year time frames.

1999 Market Plan & Land Use Study cover

market study, engineering, and land use plan for the menomonee valley

Published in: October 1998

Published by: Lockwood Green Consulting; Fluor Daniel Consulting; Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen & Payne, Inc; Edwards & Associates, Inc.

Sponsored by: The City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage Disctrict, Menomonee Valley Business Association

Content: This document presents data and recommendations regarding the best way to foster economic development in the Menomonee Valley.

sustainable brownfields study from 1998, report cover

Characteristics of sustainable brownfields projects

Published in: July 1998

Published by: United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response

Content: A lengthy guide to the science and economics of sustainable brownfield redevelopment.