Stop by to learn about nearby jobs available NOW in the Menomonee River Valley
Ven a aprender de cientos de trabajos disponibles ahora en el Menomonee River Valley
Hundreds of family-supporting jobs are within a 5-10 minute walk/drive from neighborhoods south of the Valley. Layton Boulevard West Neighbors (LBWN) is partnering with Menomonee Valley Partners to bring the job opportunities directly to the residents in and near the Silver City neighborhood. You are invited to drop-in to learn about what opportunities exist and apply for them.
Bring smiles, resumes, and a winning attitude.
Translation services will be available. Five companies with current openings in the Menomonee River Valley will be at the fair and will be conducting on-site interviews.
Cientos de trabajos están disponibles ahorita dentro de 5 a 10 minutos de los vecinarios al sur de la Menomonee River Valley. Layton Boulevard West Neighbors (LBWN) esta trabajando con Menomonee Valley Partners a llevar estas oportunidades directamente al vecinario Silver City. Ud está invitado a aprender cuales oportunidades se solicitan y entregar su solicitud directamente.
Trae su sonrisa, currículum, y una actitud ganadora.
Tendremos servicios de interpretación. Cinco companías que solicitan empleados estarán presentes y ofrecerán entrevistas en sitio.
5Wise Workshop
3524 W. National Avenue
Tuesday, June 18
5-7 PM
Contact Jonatan at 414-385-5300 or jonatan@lbwn.org (habla español) or Catrina at 414-221-5507 or catrina@thevalleymke.org for more information.